The Most Dangerous Military Helicopter in Modern Times
From the moment of its first appearance until today, the helicopter has been an integral part of the arsenal of both civil and Military services. The armies have started using helicopter gunships relatively recently.

This technique carries out the transportation of goods, fast transportation of passengers, and also allows you to effectively destroy enemy ground targets. Combat helicopters are now firmly established in virtually all armies in the world – as a reliable multifunctional weapon.
Surprisingly, even today, in all this variety of Military equipment, there are not so many models of attack helicopters. At the moment, a little more than 30 models have become widespread in the world.
Given this “intraspecific diversity”, it is not at all difficult to choose the truly successful and most formidable examples of these “souls of tanks”. Nevertheless, there are still disputes among connoisseurs of Military equipment over which helicopter rightfully belongs to the title of the most powerful and dangerous.
Let’s figure it out. We present to your attention the rating of the most dangerous Military helicopters of our time. Sit back and we begin.
Most DANGEROUS Military Helicopter Of The Modernity
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